Enlisted For Life was contact by a hospital concerning a Veteran they treated who had no running water in his home. We intervened and installed a new water pump with components in rapid fashion.
Every day we touch the lives of homeless veterans and veterans that are having trouble making ends meet. In turn, they touch our lives.
ENLISTED FOR LIFE’s mission is to get as many of the 37,000+ homeless veterans off the streets and into viable conditions where they can thrive with respect and dignity.
We provide duffel bags (what we call EFL Bags) full of gear, food, and items that veterans tell us they need the most. The veterans never ASK for anything and they are humble and grateful during our meetings.
Our Team

Sean Carroll
A homeless veteran saved my life!
In 2012 I returned home from an 18 month deployment to Afghanistan. Diagnosed with PTSD I survived the hard way for about 6 years. During that time I have the VA to thank for helping me navigate reasons to live. I will forever be thankful for their services.
In 2018, a chance encounter put me face to face with a homeless veteran that was rolling out a wet sleeping bag onto the snowy concrete steps of a church in Manhattan. Long story short, I learned that this man was a former US Army Infantryman (11B). So I spent a few hours getting to know him, eating with him, and giving him a poncho and socks. Hours later, on the train ride home, I couldn’t believe how good that interaction made me feel. So good in fact that I no longer needed the VA to help me navigate reasons to live.
Enlisted For Life Charities is not a one-way street. It is a mission that helps all parties involved.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”
~ Gandhi

Eric Robert Smithers
General Counsel/Patriot
As a General Counsel and corporate executive, I have been blessed to make an impact on the people with whom I interacted on a day to day basis. While professional accomplishments are rewarding, my spirit required more and I was seeking a higher purpose. That is when God put Sean Carroll and Enlisted For Life into my life. As a faithful man, I am always striving to help people where I can and EFL provides a daily opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.

Don Retz
Chief Marketing Officer/Patriot
As a high level creative with 30+ years in the advertising, design and marketing industry. I’ve worked in highly talented Manhattan studios and firms for national and international clients in areas such as consumer electronic, food and beverage, financial services, real estate, pharmaceutical and healthcare – brand development and messaging, social media and digital strategy/implementation and more. Then one day I sat at a diner in Syracuse across from Sean Carroll. I quickly realized I needed to do what ever I could to be a part of Enlisted For Life. Now years later and many missions on the streets with EFL I find the rewards of helping those that served our nation. The men and women we meet on the street have helped me more than I could ever say.
“As we lose ourselves in the service of others we discover our own lives and our own happiness.”
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf