OUR GOALEvery day we touch the lives of homeless veterans and veterans that are having trouble making ends meet. And they in turn touch our lives.

ENLISTED FOR LIFE's mission is to get as many of the 37,000+ homeless veterans off the streets and into viable conditions where they can thrive with respect and dignity.

We provide duffel bags (what we call EFL Bags) full of gear, food, and items that veterans tell us they need the most. The veterans never ASK for anything and they are humble and grateful during our meetings.

You an Make A Difference

Take Action

Pledge to help homeless Veterans by donating to Enlisted For Life. We are embarking on a capital campaign to provide a large shelter in the upstate New York area. Our intent is to purchase a 20+ acre lot with two large buildings for housing homeless veterans and veterans in transition. They will receive counseling/education/and job skills to reintegrate them back into the world.

© 2025. All Rights Reserved.
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